Archive for the 'Presentations' Category

Untrusted text in security dialogs

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

I just gave a 10-minute lightning talk at SOUPS on the topic of untrusted text in security dialogs.

I've been reading Firefox security bug reports over the years, and I've collected a list of things that can go wrong in security dialogs. New security dialogs should be tested against these attacks, or preferably designed to not be dialogs.

Fuzzing talk at the Mozilla Summit

Wednesday, July 14th, 2010

At the 2010 Mozilla Summit, I talked about my JavaScript engine and DOM fuzzers, which have each found many hundreds of bugs. I also talked about the automations that keep me sane when I fuzz these complex components.

My slides are in the S5 web-based presentation format. You can click the Ø button to view the presentation in "handout mode" and see what I planned to say while each slide was up.

I shared a presentation slot with Mozilla contractor Paul Nickerson, who has a separate slide deck. He wisely saved the best part of his talk for the end: a demo of his font fuzzer causing Windows 7 to blue-screen.