2003-10-28 Builds

  • Fixed: 147927 - JavaScript focus() moves cursor but not focus in one case
  • Continued regression: 222157 - View Source: Save As, Find don't work.

Windows builds: Official Windows (Discussion), aebrahim's G7 SSE2, G7 SSE, G6 SSE, MozJF's gcc, MadmanNova's MSVC with SVG,DOMi,Venkman, MadmanNova's gcc with SVG,DOMi,Venkman (SSE2 and genericMMX)

Linux builds: Official Linux, Official Linux+xft+gtk2, daihard's builds with inline autocomplete, aebrahim's SSE2 xft+gtk2

Mac builds: Official Mac

One Response to “2003-10-28 Builds”

  1. ht990332 Says:

    onother unmentioned regression

    ust discovered something, if I go file > print.. ,it prints
    but if I do print preview, the print botton does not work.