Aviary branch landing in progress

Ben Goodger:

OK, I have landed one half of the Aviary Branch. (the browser half). This may cause some difficulty and prblems with the build/nightly build machines. I swear it all built on my machine. I am going to procede with merging the other half tomorrow. Please bear with me.

Hendikins described the location of this quote as "right above the flames".

See how Tinderbox looked several hours after the landing.

4 Responses to “Aviary branch landing in progress”

  1. Ted Mielczarek Says:

    I think someone needs to add a new shirt to the store.


  2. Ted Mielczarek Says:

    I think someone needs to add a new shirt to the store.


  3. Ben Says:

    I have that shirt!

  4. jayfromtaiwan Says:

    seems like most of the problems are caused by missing files (or the compiler’s just being stupid and cannot find the needed files)