2004-09-11 Branch builds

  • Fixed: 247174 - Mail button looks horked when using small icons and show icons and text.
  • Fixed: 173010 - Whitelist for launching safe external protocols and blocking unsafe.

Windows builds: Official Windows, Official Windows installer (discussion), moox's, bangbang's

Linux builds: Official Linux, Official Linux installer

Mac builds: Official Mac

11 Responses to “2004-09-11 Branch builds”

  1. mark Says:

    hi firefoxers,

    I like the programme. The one thing I’m really missing is the feature “sort bookmarks in alphabetical order”. I would prefer a right mouse-click option. Clicking ones sorting bookmarks in the current directory from A->Z, clicking twice versing the order from Z->A. Great, if this could be added (even by means of a plug-in).
    Thanks, mark.

  2. Steve Says:

    I miss address bar autocomplete searching through the bookmarks as well as the recent history


  3. Rirath Says:

    Mark, that right click sort feature was just added the other day, check the main page. (Though I doubt reverse.) And yes, there’s a extension for it too… check update.mozilla.org.

  4. Jose Miranda Says:

    I’m trying to install the latest nightly in my Linux system but I’m getting and error:
    [jmr0311@localhost jmr0311]$ tar -xzf firefox-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz

    gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
    tar: Child returned status 1
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    [jmr0311@localhost jmr0311]$

    I try downloading the file three or four time already with same results. Help please….

  5. Jose Says:

    The latest nightly for firefox in linux system appears to be corrupted. I’m getting an error like this
    [jmr0311@localhost jmr0311]$ tar -xzf firefox-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz

    gzip: stdin: not in gzip format
    tar: Child returned status 1
    tar: Error exit delayed from previous errors
    [jmr0311@localhost jmr0311]$

  6. semja Says:

    Jose: The same for me. This file has got a wrong MIME.

    [11:46:38]$ file firefox-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz
    firefox-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz: data

  7. Talou Says:

    jose< your download should be right, but the program you used to download the archive has de-gziped the fil. So you just have to rename the file as .tar and send it tar -xcf firefox-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar

  8. Da Scritch Says:

    Where can I get the .mozconfig of the linux binary ? I wish to compilate a version without XFT and in GTK1 widget set.

    Thank You.

  9. Collin Says:


  10. Da Scritch Says:

    snif… thank you very much … snif snif … bouhouhoouhou

  11. hemebond Says:

    Fuck this Live Bookmark shit. I’m going to Seamonkey.