2004-07-09 Branch builds

  • Fixed: 250431 - Use Current Pages in Options->General broken.
  • Fixed: Security icon does not appear in the status bar.
  • Fixed: 222954 - Opening Options dialog if there is already a modified dialog open causes crash.
  • Fixed: 250430 - Load Images exception button opens Popup Blocking exceptions not Image exceptions window.
  • Fixed: 249345 - Find sticks on the same match.
  • Fixed: 250230 - Gmail gets stuck at "Loading...".
  • Fixed: Add mozilla.org to default XPI whitelist.
  • Since July 8: 250488 - "Open in Tabs" in a bookmarks folder no longer works.
  • Since July 8: 250423 - Window titlebar sometimes fails to update to page title when browsing/creating tabs.
  • Since July 7: For some users, typing into Find toolbar does nothing and clicking Find Next does nothing.
  • Since May 18: 248423 - config.trim_on_minimize no longer works.
  • Since ~June 2: 245327 - theme switch clears all tabs, disables their history, can't close these tabs.
  • Since ~March 15 or ~June 8 (???): 246078 - URLs from other apps result in two Firefox windows or a window and an error dialog.

Windows builds: Official Windows, Official Windows installer (discussion), bangbang's O2 G7 SSE2

Linux builds: No official Linux builds, lokean's SSE with SVG

Mac builds: Official Mac

7 Responses to “2004-07-09 Branch builds”

  1. nth10sd Says:

    The Flamin’ Box update:


    MozillaZine thread is here: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=609728

    do post any additional comments on the site now that it has relatively settled..

  2. Michael Clackler Says:

    With the switch to tracking Branch builds, it would be nice if you added a link for “Fx Branch checkins” to the menu on the left. The search criteria you have set in the current “Fx checkins” link does not show aviary checkins. I don’t know if it’s the best, but this link seems to work:


  3. Jean-Marc Gillet Says:

    Something puzzles me since 0.9 . I never succeeded to use another theme. I knew that themes were buggy at the start, so I waited. Then I thought that it was because of http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=246754 “Theme InstallTrigger links don’t work with HTTP redirects.” . But I see now that it won’t block 1.0 .

    So could someone please explain why the theme installation doesn’t work ? When I click on “(Install now)” on update.mozilla.org using this latest 0.9.0+ branch nothing happens.

    I know I’ve already asked this in other words without answer. So be assured that this will be the last time. Thanks in advance.

  4. Jugalator Says:

    I’ve installed themes in 0.9 at least… Is this a new post-0.9 problem? I recall I had some problems as well, and ended up dragging the link to the theme to the theme manager window or something along those lines. Might be a Windows only thing, might not, I don’t know. :-(

  5. Jonas Nordlund Says:

    I’ve installed themes in 0.9 at least… Is this a new post-0.9 problem? I recall I had some problems as well, and ended up dragging the link to the theme to the theme manager window or something along those lines. Might be a Windows only thing, might not, I don’t know. :-(

  6. Mike Goodspeed Says:

    0.9.0+ is the trunk. And you should take support questions to the mz forums.

  7. Jean-Marc Gillet Says:

    1. Jonas “Jugalator”, thanks for your suggestion. Unfortunately, the (non-)result was the same. It was indeed a post-0.9 problem. It was !
    2. 0.9.0+ is the aviary branch, Mike. But your 2nd point is taken, I should have used the forums and not bother TBE readers. Sorry Jesse, Mike.
    3. I solved this by … totally cleaning my profile. I know, I read this advice a lot of times … Actually this is the 1st time for me that profile-cleaning is useful to get rid of a bug. I was doing it from time to time, but only to be on the safe side.