2004-07-20 Branch builds

There were no changes except for bsmedberg continuing to move files around to make localization easier. It's possible that different things are broken in this build than in yesterday's.

  • Since May 18: 248423 - config.trim_on_minimize no longer works.
  • Since ~June 2: 245327 - theme switch clears all tabs, disables their history, can't close these tabs.
  • Since ~March 15 or ~June 8: 246078 - URLs from other apps result in two Firefox windows or a window and an error dialog.

Windows builds: Official Windows, Official Windows installer (discussion), moox's builds

Linux builds: Official Linux

Mac builds: Official Mac

7 Responses to “2004-07-20 Branch builds”

  1. Thomas Kaschwig Says:

    What about #181541: Add UI to set default languages for web pages


  2. Ernst Persson Says:

    What’s up with the linux builds?

  3. Ernst Persson Says:

    Looking in the directory, there are 07-20 builds right next to the windows builds..

  4. Jesse Ruderman Says:

    Thomas: 181541 was fixed on the branch a week or so ago.

    Ernst: The Linux builds came out after I posted. They came out late enough that I thought they weren’t going to appear.

  5. nth10sd Says:

    The Flamin’ Box update:


    MozillaZine thread is here: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=609728

    P.S.: There is currently a name change vote in progress at the blogsite.

    Jesse: is ur hmc.edu email still valid?

  6. Ernst Persson Says:

    The Linux installer was also built… :-)

  7. Steffen Wilberg Says:

    Thomas and Jesse, bug 181541 was fixed on the branch on 2004-06-08. It’s already included in Firefox 0.9: