Update on applications

Graduate schools

I applied to Ph.D. programs in computer science to study computational complexity. In order of US News ranking:

U Washington          : REJECTED
Princeton             : REJECTED
UC Los Angeles        : ACCEPTED
UC San Diego          : ACCEPTED
UC Irvine             : In Progress
Boston U              : In Progress
U Oregon              : ACCEPTED
Rejections: 2/7
Admissions: 3/7
(Format stolen from Kim.)

Full-time jobs

Expedia/testing       : March interview
IBM                   : In progress

Summer jobs

Google/HCI internship : In Progress

One Response to “Update on applications”

  1. Ian Says:

    Hi Jesse,
    Congrats on having been accepted to some fantastically great schools! I am also in the waiting-for-letters phase of grad school in computer science… If it makes you feel better, I haven’t heard anything from UCI yet either :) Hmm, nor UW… I’ll be expecting my own rejection letter delivered on a silver platter soon. Anyway, I always enjoy your Firefox updates, thanks for the great resource.
